Museum Pieces
Exhibition Wall Art
For over five years, I managed the Gate House Museum in Sykesville, Maryland. When I started, my wife Andrea and I did all new displays and all new wall pieces. Here is a representative sample of the pieces we put on the walls.
I wrote the words, Andrea edited them. I selected the photographs and other elements (in most cases), Andrea put it all together and created works of art.
A man named Brian Rayford, who also lives in Sykesville, did the production work. Andrea would design using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, then deliver a PDF file to Brian. So all these pieces reflect a collaboration between the three of us.
Subject Matter
We were working with the Carroll County Farm Museum, other county museums, and the Smithsonian Institution. Our mission was to complement the Smithsonian's "How We Worked Exhibit," a traveling exhibit that was on display in the farm museum.
We chose as our theme "One Hundred Years Ago in Sykesville," associated that with the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One, and created displays about war, work, lifestyle, and entertainment during the war and the immediate post-war era.
Timeline of Sykesville History
We also created a five-piece timeline of Sykesville history, which lines the wall on the left as you enter the museum. I've included the first three pieces here.
These five panels were each 24" by 60".