Samples of Work/Portfolio
It's difficult to provide samples of my best technical work. Every company I worked for considered their documentation proprietary. Also, most of my work was delivered within the software in help systems, or in some other electronic form, including large intranet sites, such as the customer service catalog I developed for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Technical Writing
However, I did a great deal of work for a company called FileTek that is no longer in business, and I'm sure it's fine to share some of that work.
Science Writing
I recently produced a book that required a lot of scientific explanation. It provides good examples of how I can research and explain complex technical information, in this case information about disease, biology, genetics, and DNA.
I have a great deal of experience designing, building, and managing websites. Long ago I hand-coded HTML. I used Dreamweaver, when it was considered state-of-the-art, developed a community website in Joomla with my wife, and then migrated that site to WordPress.
What I do best is conceptualize sites, help design them, and then build them.
I built the website you're looking at in Wix. Here is a link to a large site that I'm working on now. It's also done in Wix, but ties in two WordPress sites, creating a sort of hybrid site that appears to be one site, but is actually three.
I earned a certificate in Media Production from the Carroll County Media Center in Westminster, Maryland. This was a six-month program.
Since then I have continued to work with audio and video mostly relying on Adobe Premier. I have not made technical videos, but I'm including links to two of my videos here, as examples of my personality, style, and creative skills, as well as my ability to learn and master complex software and use it to tell stories.